There so cute!
There so cute!
Yesh! :D They're both cute!
Awesome thumbnail!
Thank you! =3
The character looks great 3D and 2D!
The slime has awesome antlers
Yesh indeed! ^^ It's cute on her!
Love Cats!
Cats are cute! :D Thank you!
Yes :)
The apple looks great! But... does the apple have a knife am confused on what's its holding?
Hehe :3 Stabby apple
I like the group! The colors hurt my eyes a little and yellow is a little bit too bright to see face
Yeah, it's very bright :)
This picture reminds me of a fish! I like the picture
Hehe :3 Lico is a feesh! Thank you!
Very pretty with your colors
Aww thank you! ^^ Cozy!
I like to drawing colorful things but not people often.
Joined on 6/22/24